Will OBS Record the Windows Lock Screen?

I accidentally locked my desktop while screen recording in OBS. Will the recording show my lock screen, or will it show uninterrupted video?

Will OBS record the windows lock screen? The answer is No, normally. But it is possible that if you make some changes to the settings, OBS can keep recording while the screen is locked. However, you will need extra tools like PowerSwitcher to change the settings.

Since changing OBS settings is complicated and time-consuming, we suggest you use an OBS alternative screen recorder, EaseUS RecExperts, to record the screen even when it is locked. It shows no black footage in the recorded video, even if you turn the screen off during the recording. Download it right now!

How to record the locked PC screen without black footage:

Step 1. Install and launch EaseUS RecExperts on your PC.

Step 2. Choose the recording mode on the main interface from Full Screen and Region.

Step 3. Click on the Audio icon to select the sound resource you want to capture. You may choose from the system audio or the microphone.

Step 4. Click the REC button to start recording. It won't affect the recorded video even if you shut down the screen accidentally. When you want to finish, click Stop to end and save your recordings.